
Stomach Ulcer Symptoms

Stomach ulcers are open sores on the inner lining of the stomach. When the protective mucus layer in the stomach decreases it causes digestive acid to damage the stomach lining and form an ulcer. Duodenal ulcers occur in the small intestine near the stomach. Stomach and duodenal ulcers are commonly referred to as peptic ulcers and have similar symptoms and the same treatment.

Signs of Stomach Ulcer

Although the main symptom of a stomach ulcer is a burning pain in the center of the abdomen, not all stomach ulcers cause pain, some people may also experience symptoms like heartburn, indigestion, or nausea. Other common symptoms of stomach ulcers are:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Bloating
  • Burping
  • Paler skin or Anemia
  • Dark stools

Causes of Stomach Ulcer

Stomach ulcers can be caused by any H. Pylori bacterial infection or prolonged use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines. It is important to consult a gastrologist specialist because untreated ulcers and H. Pylori can cause:


Life-threatening bleeding from the ulcer site.


When the ulcer penetrates the digestive tract wall and affects another organ, like the pancreas.


Penetration of another organ, such as the pancreas, by an ulcer that has passed through the wall of the digestive tract.


Digestive tract blockage due to swelling of inflamed tissues.

Stomach cancer:

Ulcers can also lead to non-cardia gastric cancer or stomach cancer.

Stomach Ulcer Diagnosis

Treatment and diagnosis of stomach ulcers depend on the symptoms and their severity. A gastrologist specialist will analyze your medical history and the medications you are taking in order to diagnose the ulcer. H. pylori infection is diagnosed through stool, blood, or breath tests.  In a breathing test, you drink a clear liquid and exhale it into a bag, which is then analyzed for increased levels of carbon dioxide. Other methods of diagnosing stomach ulcers are barium swallow, endoscopy, and endoscopic biopsy.

Barium Swallow

This method involves consuming a white, thick liquid that helps to visualize the stomach and small intestine on X-rays.


An endoscopy involves inserting a lighted tube through the mouth to examine the stomach and small intestine for the presence of ulcers, bleeding, or any abnormal tissue.

Endoscopic biopsy

An endoscopic biopsy involves taking a sample of stomach tissue for laboratory analysis.

Prevention of Stomach Ulcer

It was previously widely believed that diet was the cause of ulcers, but now this is known to be incorrect. Although diet doesn’t cure stomach ulcers, eating healthy can improve gut health and overall well-being.  For good health, it is recommended to have a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and fiber. The food items like broccoli, cauliflower, apples, garlic, onions, bananas, green tea, honey, and probiotics may assist in fighting off the bacteria and enhance healthy gut bacteria.

Moreover, it is advisable for people with stomach ulcers and acid reflux disease to refrain from spicy and acidic foods during the ulcer’s healing process.

When to Consult a Doctor

If you experience severe symptoms or signs, you must seek medical attention. Additionally, if trying over-the-counter antacids temporarily relieve your pain but the pain recurs, you must visit a gastrologist.

You can search for gastrologist specialists near me online or visit Memon Medical Hospital Institute for diagnosis. MMIH facilitates its patients with highly skilled professionals and the best gastrologists in Karachi

Ovais Hassan

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