
Identifying The Top 5 Symptoms Of a Heart Attack

Heart disease is the primary cause of death for men and women across the globe. While symptoms such as chest tightness and pain in the upper body are more obvious, a heart attack can also present several symptoms that may resemble conditions such as nausea, heartburn, and fatigue. The sooner you detect the indications of a heart attack, the faster you will be able to receive lifesaving medical assistance to minimize the risk of complications and damage to the heart muscle. Memon Medical Institute Hospital has one of the top cardiologists in Karachi who can provide expert guidance throughout the cardiac process.  The following are the top five common symptoms to watch out for.

Uncomfortable Pressure

The majority of heart attacks are characterized by a sensation of discomfort in the middle of the chest that lasts for more than a few minutes. In some cases, the discomfort may disappear and then reappear. This discomfort could be categorized as a feeling of uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain in the center of the chest.

Soreness in The Other Parts of The Body

Heart attack pain may occur in areas other than the chest, such as the neck, back, arms, shoulders, or jaw. If there is an issue with the heart, such as a blocked artery, the nerves in your heart can send a signal that alerts you, leading to pain. As the vagus nerve is linked to not only the heart but also the brain, chest, abdomen, and neck, pain can also be experienced in other parts of the body besides the heart.

Lightheadedness, Nausea and Vomiting

When the heart and other parts of the body do not receive sufficient blood supply, gastric symptoms such as nausea and vomiting may arise. This condition is often mistaken for acid reflux or heartburn, which is why it is important to consult with your doctor, especially if you are experiencing other symptoms of a heart attack. Memon Medical Institute is recognized as one of the top cardio hospitals in Karachi, where you can receive top-notch treatment from expert cardiologists.

Shortness of Breath

Shortness of breath is a common symptom of a silent heart attack and may be accompanied by dizziness, lightheadedness, or fainting. While this symptom can occur in both men and women, it is more frequent in the cases of women. In some cases, shortness of breath can occur without chest pain as well. Similarly, if you experience difficulty climbing stairs, seek immediate medical attention. Memon Medical Hospital Institute, one of the most reputable cardiac hospitals in Karachi, provides extensive care and treatment for its patients.


Excessive sweating or sudden occurrence of cold sweat can also be sign of a heart attack. This is because during a heart attack, your body’s nervous system triggers a “fight or flight” response which activate sweat glands and cause you to sweat excessively in order to survive. Similarly, when the arteries are clogged, the heart has to work harder to pump blood, which results in the body producing more sweat to regulate the body temperature. Sweating during a heart attack may occur without chest pain and can be accompanied by other non-chest pain symptoms, including but not limited to arm pain, jaw pain, and shortness of breath.

What to Do If You Experience Symptoms of a Heart Attack?

During a heart attack, every passing minute increases the chance of significant and potentially permanent damage to the heart. Immediate action can save both the heart muscle and the person’s life. If a heart attack is suspected, it is crucial to call for help immediately. The patient should be transported to a reputable hospital, such as Memon Medical Institute, which is one of the top cardiology hospitals in Karachi.

Ovais Hassan

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