
Gynecology Problems

Gynecology problems are disorders related to the female reproductive system. Common gynecological problems include polycystic ovarian syndrome, vaginal discharge, itching, endometriosis, urinary tract infection, menstrual pain, sexual pain, abnormal vaginal bleeding, urinary incontinence, ovarian cysts, pelvic inflammation, cervical dysplasia, uterine fibroids, breast pain, lumps, etc. These gynic issues tend to vary based on a woman’s age and hormonal changes.

Common Gynecology Problems

Gynecological problems can impact sexual functions, therefore, it is necessary to seek treatment promptly to avoid any serious complications. Some of the most common gynecological problems are:

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome experience irregular menstrual cycles and have more tendency of developing a high level of male hormones (androgens) in their bodies. Increased levels of androgens can cause hirsutism and the presence of several follicles can lead to complications in releasing the egg. Other factors, such as genetic reasons and abnormal insulin levels, can also trigger complications of polycystic ovarian syndrome.


In this condition, a woman during her reproductive phase experience inflammation in the vagina. This might occur because of infection, sexual intercourse, or hormonal changes.  Common symptoms of vaginitis are vaginal itching, foul-smelling discharge, and painful urination.

Urinary Tract Infection

This gynic issue occurs when bacteria present in the vagina transfer up to the urethra, bladder, or kidneys. This condition causes a burning sensation in the urine, a strong odor, and blood in the urine. If this infection reaches the kidneys, it might result in fever, chills, backache, or nausea.

Painful Periods

This refers to pain experienced during a woman’s menstrual cycle, this condition is also called dysmenorrhea. There are two types of dysmenorrhea: primary dysmenorrhea, which occurs with no apparent pelvic disorder, and secondary dysmenorrhea, which is caused by an underlying pelvic disorder. Symptoms of this condition are strong abdominal pain that can also affect the lower back.


It is a condition where the lining of the uterus grows outside of it. This condition affects the immune system and results in hormonal disturbance and menstrual flow issues.

Ovarian Cysts

Cysts are sacs with liquid that appear in the ovaries. Cysts appear in the ovaries due to pelvic infections or hormonal issues, leading to symptoms like abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting.

Pelvic inflammatory Disorder

It is an infection in the upper reproductive tract of a woman. In this condition, women may face lower abdominal pain, abdominal vaginal discharge, and bleeding.


A condition where sexual intercourse is painful. It is caused by issues with body structure, past sexual abuse, or other psychological problems. Causes of this condition are vaginitis, thick hymen, vulval infection, or narrow vagina. Women with dyspareunia may experience pain during and after sexual intercourse.

Symptoms of Gynecological Problems

Symptoms of gynae-related problems can range from minor to critical conditions. It is important never to ignore persistent and recurring symptoms of gynic issues. Some of the common symptoms of gynae-related problems are as follows:

Vaginal discharge

It is normal to have vaginal discharge due to hormonal changes, but excessive discharge with an unpleasant odor could be a sign of infection requiring treatment.


Sores on the genital area are a sign of infections or skin cancer. Sores might be red in color, itchy, and may bleed when rubbed or scratched. Causes include chronic skin problems, sexually transmitted infections, or exposure to any irritant.

Urinary discomfort

If there is any discomfort while urinating it might be an indication of an infection of a sexually transmitted disease (STD) like syphilis or a sign of a bacterial infection of the urinary tract.


Loss of control over the urinary bladder which is also known as incontinence is a condition when a person is unable to control urination.

Menstrual disorders

When there is irregular menstruation, pain during menses, or post-menopausal bleeding, it is a sign of menstrual disorder.

Menopausal symptoms

Signs of menopause include night sweats, headaches, depression, abnormal weight gain, vaginal dryness, etc.

When to See a Doctor?

Women must seek gynecologist consultation if they experience the above-mentioned symptoms or any abnormality with their menstrual monthly cycle. Gynecologists can treat women of any age and it is recommended to consult for medical help at an early age if there are any issues with the monthly periods.

Gynic issues can lead to serious health consequences like infertility or kidney damage if ignored. Vaginal diseases like sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or cancer of the reproductive tract are also serious indicators of health issues and must not be neglected.

Memon Medical Hospital Institute facilitates highly qualified and best gynecologists in Karachi. Early diagnosis and recognition of symptoms help in better healthcare and successful treatment.

Ovais Hassan

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